
Family Mottos

Family Mottos

Toughen up or die!

Stand close together and lift where you stand

Suck it up, Princess!

Come what may and love it

"Be of good courage, and do it." (Ezra 10:4)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gallantry is Alive and Well

I am at the University Community Hospital near Tampa, Florida, where my uncle, David, is a patient. Rusty, my aunt and his wife, had been caring for him for a long time. He began losing the ability to use his legs while enduring intense pain that is generated from his back, as well as other issues. He has made some serious progress in the past 24 hours, now being able to sit up, and use the walker for very small distances, as well as getting some relief from the terrible pain he has had to endure. This is significant. Rusty has not had any real sleep in weeks, and watches him like a hawk. She is exhausted, but vigilant. Just try telling her to leave long enough to get a good night's sleep. She won't leave his side to take care of herself, just to do things she needs to for him. I get to stay here and help so she can at least sleep on the pull-out chair for a while, and she actually is home taking a short nap. She threatens to be back after just an hour of sleep. I am betting she'll follow through, though I have told her I'm fine, she should sleep. David keeps asking for her, however. He just needs to know she's near, and that's why she does it.

On a different note, on the way here, after finding a seat in the Las Vegas airport without slot machines nearby, I met an incredibly nice young man. He was traveling home after business in Vegas, and struck up a conversation. He felt that he had been born in the wrong time. The 50's would have suited him better, he said, with the decade's old fashioned values. He was in the first group to board, and I was going to be dead-last in the B group. He offered to save me a seat and I gratefully accepted. When we got off in Tampa, an airport I was not familiar with, he made sure I got to the baggage area which was in another terminal (I was clueless and would have definitely had a hard time finding it). He then waited until my ride came before leaving, even though it was about midnight. He was truly a gentleman to a complete stranger, and since I'm probably old enough to be his mother, it was just because he was a gentleman. He is single, ladies! And waiting for a true lady who's values match his own. I am confident that she will be worth the wait, because this young man is a catch--mid-twenties, educated, professional, likable, creative--girls, the good ones are still out there. Tony, I hope you find your true lady. She will be worth the wait. I know you will be worth HER wait.

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