
Family Mottos

Family Mottos

Toughen up or die!

Stand close together and lift where you stand

Suck it up, Princess!

Come what may and love it

"Be of good courage, and do it." (Ezra 10:4)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Long Time No Write!

So, guess how long it's been since we've posted on this blog!
Around TWO MONTHS! 68 days, to be exact. If you want to be REALLY technical, its been two months and 7 days. I think that sounds right.

So what do I have to say? Eh. Not much.

Right now, the happenings in this Savage household are:

  • Josh leaves for the MTC on Wednesday in Provo, for 3 weeks before he heads to the MTC in PERU, and then out in the mission field!

  • Mom cries and cries and cries and cries when he leaves.

  • Mom cries some more.

  • Dani is still working at the Heber Creeper, not her favorite job, but it's what she can do right now. She has just finished up intramural flag football, and won a championship shirt for intramural ultime frisbee!

  • There is 60 days until she ships out fro the Argentina MTC for her Uruguay Montevideo mission! Woo hoo!

  • Mom will cry when she leaves too.

  • Kyle got his elk tag not long ago, and he plans to use our Uncle Todd and cousins, and he's also still enjoying TaeKwonDo.

  • Kyle is ALSO styling the look of a blue mustache. Wonder why.

  • I (In case you haven't found out by process of elimination yet, this is Alexis) am doing the school play right now, Beauty and the Beast, and am having fun with that although it is slow going right now. It kicks into high gear when school starts.

  • I'm theoretically "recovering from a mild concussion." Pssh. Cute story.

  • I have also decided I am going to write a book! Don't ask how far that's coming along, but it's going to happen! I have one scene written down, and that's it! ...great.

  • The whole family--minus Josh, that whole mission thing--is going to drive to New Hampshire!

  • We are having a LOT of family in and out, seeing them and having them see us.

  • PART of that family visiting in and out, is our Uncle David, with his daughters, Rainy and Mimi, stopping with us on their way to Yellowstone where they will be for a week. It's awesome seeing them, for the first time in a bunch of peoples' memories, and in ten years for mom who remembers them all!

  • We got a car that went bad not half out of the dealership. Promising, right? But it is in the shop right now and should be ours again tomorrow.

  • Grandpa is doing well after surgery for his back, looking better every day we see him.

  • Grandma Tuck has been in the hospital for lime disease, but she is out now. The one requirement and GREATEST CHALLENGE is for her to rest and not do much. Well folks, we'll so how long that lasts!

  • Jarah is OLD, but funny. And loving. And attention hogging. And we love her A LOT. She is sharing the house (her domain) with Uncle David's dog Mercedes--for the attention hog she is, don't know how much she likes that.

  • Thursday (August 4th) is the mile marker of a year since Dad has passed away. That's been's also the day after Josh leaves for the MTC. This is an emotionally packed week.

Hmm...that's the update on the crazy Savages.

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