
Family Mottos

Family Mottos

Toughen up or die!

Stand close together and lift where you stand

Suck it up, Princess!

Come what may and love it

"Be of good courage, and do it." (Ezra 10:4)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tale as Old as Time...

Us crazies, goofing off in the West Wing...
This is for Leah, who's been BEGGING for posts (; And Aunt Rusty, who wants to see some Beauty and the Beast pictures!! Really, the play was absolutely amazing. MAGICAL. Someone said it was better than the movie, and someone said it was better than the broadway show (and he saw that one as well). That was our BIGGEST possible compliment. It really was absolutely FANTASTIC. Not to brag, but I was great... (: My lead partner Konnor, who played Lumiere, stole the show, I'll admit...but I wasn't too far behind him, I think! I played Babette, the flirty feather duster...affectionately nicknamed Babs (: We got the BIGGEST applause out of everyone in the bows. That was my favorite part of the show most nights. IT WAS JUST SO AMAZING! So glad to be a part of this! The set alone was just incredible, and it stinks to say was instead of is....we had to tear it down the night of our last performance. Sad to see it go (especially since it went up with about 5 months time, and went down in 2-3 hours). But here are some pictures!
Me and my cousin Sarah, after the show
Beast, on the West Wing singing If I Can't Love Her

Principle Cast, plus a little girl and Ms. Coleman, our main violinist in the orchestra!

A good techie friend Ryan, and me in my human get-up!

Belle, the first a poor provincial town

Belle and Maurice
Haha, Belle and Gaston!
Gaston and his silly girls

My leading partner, Lumiere! He's amazing!


Madame de Le Grande Bouche(wardrobe), Beast and Lumiere
Belle's bedroom! Yes we built that, and covered all the wood with foam!

In Something There
Half of the cast, in the finale...I got cut off, as did the other wing. Oh well!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pics!! This is awesome!!! I love the set and the costumes and I probably would love everything else as well!!!! ;) I <3 you Lexis!! Good job!! (Hi to Marleigh and Kyle too <3) I love you all!!!!!!!
